HC Deb 24 November 1971 vol 826 cc1333-4
32. Mr. Blenkinsop

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will seek to increase the limit on which grant is payable for environmental improvements in a general improvement area above £100 per dwelling.

Mr. Amery

We have no firm evidence at present that the existing limit is inadequate, but I am keeping this matter under constant review.

Mr. Blenkinsop

Is the Minister aware that, now that we have experience of the working of the grant, there is widespread feeling that to be effective it must be increased quite substantially?

Mr. Amery

I have heard a number of views expressed in the same sense as that expressed by the hon. Gentleman. If he has any firm evidence for what he said, I should be pleased to receive it.

Dame Irene Ward

Will my right hon. Friend always bear in mind that during the war the North-East Coast, because it was thought that we should be bombed to bits, was deprived of new industries and housing? The problem in the area is partly due to the fact that during the war we had to endure a very difficult time, in the national interest. Therefore, will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that, when we put forward proposals, we do so in the light of the sacrifices which had to be made in our area in the interests of national security and protection?

Mr. Amery

I always bear in mind anything that my hon. Friend says. I shall particularly bear in mind what she said today.

Mr. Freeson

Will the right hon. Gentleman give rather more urgent thought to this matter than he seemed to indicate to my hon. Friend the Member for South Shields (Mr. Blenkinsop)? The grant of £100 is now worth, in real terms, about £80 compared with the time when it was originally fixed. Will the Minister urgently consider increasing the grant considerably in selected housing priority areas and areas of high unemployment?

Mr. Amery

As the hon. Gentleman knows, we have increased the Government contribution to the grant in the development areas. However, if the hon. Gentleman, with his vast experience of housing matters, would let me have any evidence he may have concerning areas in which an increase would be helpful, I shall be grateful to receive it.