HC Deb 22 November 1971 vol 826 c939
11. Mr. Wingfield Digby

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make a statement on future industrial free trade with non-applicant members of the European Free Trade Association; and what tariffs will apply in agricultural and forest products.

Mr. Rippon

I have nothing to add to the fourth paragraph of the communiqué following the Ministerial meetings of the European Free Trade Association Councils in Geneva on 4th and 5th November which was circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT for 11th November.—[Vol. 825, c. 1247–8.]

Mr. Wingfield Digby

I realise that bilateral negotiations are proceeding, but will my right hon. and learned Friend urge the Six to stick to their principle that international tariffs should not be re-erected?

Mr. Rippon

That is certainly the aim of all of us.

Mr. Milne

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that this affects the applicant E.F.T.A. countries as well? As the applicant countries are to consult their people on the question and the conditions of entry, will he make arrangements for Britain to do the same?

Mr. Rippon

We are consulting our constituents in our usual way and making our decisions through our usual parliamentary institutions.