HC Deb 08 November 1971 vol 825 c638
30. Mr. Clinton Davis

asked the Attorney-General if he will now introduce the £25 scheme in connection with legal aid and advice.

The Attorney-General (Sir Peter Rawlinson):

Legislation will be introduced for this purpose during the present Session.

Mr. Davis:

Is the Attorney-General aware that his statement will be widely acclaimed, not only in the legal profession, but outside, that this is a long awaited reform and that this provides me with the unique opportunity of congratulating him?

The Attorney-General:

I am always grateful to receive such congratulations from the hon. Gentleman. I am sure that this scheme will prove of great assistance to people seeking legal advice.

Sir Elwyn Jones:

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman enlighten us a little further as to what is in the Bill, much heralded and promoted? He has opened a little chink on what is to come. That part is all right, but it should have come earlier. Will he enlighten us further?

The Attorney-General:

Only in so far as I have said that the proposals in the Report of the Advisory Committee, which reported in January, 1970, will be contained in the proposed legislation.