HC Deb 26 May 1971 vol 818 cc361-2
14. Mr. W. H. K. Baker

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many local authorities have made representations to him in respect of the fishing industry with regard to Great Britain's application to join the European Economic Community; what replies he has sent; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

To date, representations on this subject have been received from some 20 Scottish local authorities. The replies repeated the assurances that have already been given in this House.

Mr. Baker

Would my hon. Friend say how many local authorities were enthusiastic about the reply; and, secondly, would he say when the Government will clearly say that the minimum terms for the British inshore fishing industry embrace the retention of the 12, six and three-mile limits?

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

We have had letters of thanks from those to whom we have written. At the same time, I must remind my hon. Friend that this is a delicate matter, and I repeat the assurance that we shall be negotiating it with the Six.

Mr. Strang

Would the Under-Secretary confirm the very important statement made by the Foreign Secretary at the Scottish Conservative Conference in Aberdeen that the Government will not take Britain into the E.E.C. without first obtaining some modification of the common fisheries policy?

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

I am very glad that the hon. Gentleman reads what my right hon. Friend says—and what my right hon. Friend says he means.

Mr. Maclennan

Does the hon. Gentleman share the optimism expressed by the Prime Minister on Monday, that in the forthcoming negotiations in Luxembourg this matter will be settled; and does he expect that it will be settled to the advantage of Scotland and the United Kingdon before the Summer Recess?

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

I am afraid that I do not approach this matter in quite the same cavalier way as that in which the hon. Gentleman approaches it. The matter is far too important and far too vital for Scotland for that. I believe that anybody with experience of international negotiations would realise that it would be imprudent at this stage to reveal our hand.