HC Deb 24 May 1971 vol 818 cc24-5
31. Mr. Clinton Davis

asked the Attorney-General if he will now take steps to enable legal aid to be extended to further tribunals.

The Attorney-General

The extension of legal aid to further tribunals will be considered in the light of research now taking place into the need for legal assistance in those proceedings.

Mr. Davis

Is the Attorney-General aware that tenants appearing before rent assessment tribunals are frequently prejudiced because they cannot afford legal representation, whereas landlords can afford not only that but expert advice? Does not he think that the matter requires urgent attention?

The Attorney-General

The question of legal representation before tribunals is being studied by the Nuffield Foundation, the Universities of Birmingham, Newcastle and Edinburgh and the Cobden Trust. The Committee on the Rent Acts was not in favour of legal aid being made available in proceedings before rent assessment committees, and there are indications that other bodies have been suggesting that legal assistance is not perhaps the most appropriate.

Sir Elwyn Jones

What progress is being made in the provision of facilities for expert witnesses to be called for tenants before rent tribunals? It would seem that priority should be given to that problem.

The Attorney-General

I think the right hon. and learned Gentleman is correct, that very often the need is for the expert rather than for legal assistance. I will make inquiries, as I cannot tell him exactly what progress has been made in that respect.