HC Deb 19 May 1971 vol 817 cc1265-6
32. Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what answer he received from the London Borough of Brent to his invitation for a representative to attend his conference on the establishment of local advisory centres on housing problems; what is his estimate of the cost of such a centre in Brent; and how much of such cost would be met by Government loan or grant.

Mr. Amery

I invited 15 London boroughs to a conference which was held on 2nd April to discuss what immediate action could be taken following the Francis Report to ease landlord and tenant problems particularly in stress areas.

The establishment of housing aid centres was one of several matters discussed.

The London Borough of Brent indicated to me that a representative would be attending the conference, but I understand that he was prevented from doing so by an indisposition.

The cost of a really good housing aid centre might be anything up to £25,000 for setting it up and £40,000 a year for running it, though a more modest effort would, of course, be cheaper.

Applications for a grant under the Home Office urban aid programme would be favourably considered.

Mr. Pavitt

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the cold reception which his invitation received was greatly deplored by hon. Members for that area and many of the local residents? Is he aware that since last Thursday the climate has changed, and that it is much warmer in Brent now? Will he now pursue this matter, because there is every possibility that the excellent advice which he gave to his conference might now be proceeded with in the London Borough of Brent?

Mr. Amery

I followed up the conference by writing to the 15 London boroughs concerned and asking them to send me a report within six months of what they were doing to tackle this problem. I shall look forward to seeing the report which Brent may send.