HC Deb 13 May 1971 vol 817 cc597-600
8. Mr. McMaster

asked the Minister of State for Defence how many separate searches for arms have been carried out in the past six weeks to the latest convenient date; how many arms, how much ammunition and what quantity of explosives have been discovered; and how many arrests in connection with the unlawful possession thereof have been effected by the Army in Northern Ireland.

Mr. G. Johnson Smith

In the period from 1st April to 10th May there have been over 2,000 searches of buildings and land, as well as over 124,000 vehicle checks. In the period, 93 firearms, 7,000 assorted rounds of ammunition and a considerable quantity of explosives, detonators and fuses have been found. Eight arrests have been made by the Army as a result of the searches.

Mr. McMaster

While welcoming those figures, may I ask my hon. Friend in what proportion of cases the arms and explosives have been found in known Republican hands? Is he aware of the growing concern about the increasing use of both explosives and incendiary devices and of the frustration that is felt by law-abiding citizens there?

Mr. Johnson Smith

The answer to the second part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question is that we are well aware of the concern that these explosions have caused. We make searches whenever there is good reason to believe that they may reveal arms, ammunition or explosives.

I am afraid that we do not have the figures which would enable us to break down the statistics in the way my hon. Friend requests me to do in the first part of his question. I assure him, however, that searches are carried out quite impartially on the basis of information received when there is good reason to believe that the information is accurate.

Mr. Delargy

What steps have been taken towards arresting the persons who murdered three Scottish soldiers in Northern Ireland?

Mr. Johnson Smith

That is a different matter which does not arise on this Question.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

My hon. Friend used the word "firearms". Does that include automatic weapons? What are the countries of origin of the weapons recovered?

Mr. Johnson Smith

I do not have the information of the countries of origin, and my use of the word "firearms" of course included automatic weapons.

Mr. George Thomson

Will the hon. Gentleman give further consideration to the repeated suggestions from various quarters that something should be done to restrict the widespread ownership of legal firearms in Northern Ireland during the present emergency?

Mr. Johnson Smith

That is a matter for the Government of Northern Ireland.

20. Mr. McMaster

asked the Minister of State for Defence how many separate incidents involving the use of firearms or explosives have taken place in the last six weeks in Northern Ireland; and how many members of Her Majesty's forces have been injured as a result.

Mr. G. Johnson Smith

In the period from 1st April to 10th May there have been 50 explosions and five shooting incidents. Four members of Her Majesty's Forces were injured in these incidents.

Mr. McMaster

Is my hon. Friend aware that this is a tragic total in a very short period? Besides the four members of Her Majesty's Forces who have been injured, there have been numerous civilian casualties, including in the past week one elderly lady killed in a fire following such an explosion in my constituency. Will he study the origin of these murderous attacks and do something to improve the steps taken to prevent further such attacks in future so that those responsible should be detected quickly and a better record of arrests effected?

Mr. Johnson Smith

These are very sad and tragic events and we are concerned about them. The most effective way of reducing the number of explosions is by tighter control over the materials and devices used to cause these explosions. I hope that my hon. Friend is aware that all this is being actively explored by the Northern Ireland authorities.

Mr. Kilfedder

Is my hon. Friend aware that we are all concerned about injuries to soldiers in Northern Ireland? Is he also aware that for a long time a great many boarding houses in Bangor have been providing bed and breakfast at reduced rates for off-duty soldiers in this delightful resort in my constituency? Will he ensure that everything is done to help the soldiers in their off-duty periods? They have a very onerous task in Northern Ireland and everything should be done to ensure that their morale is maintained at a high level.

Mr. Johnson Smith

We are all very concerned that morale should be maintained and sustained to the best of our ability.