HC Deb 04 May 1971 vol 816 c1163
35. Mr. Golding

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will now announce the appointment of a health ombudsman.

Sir K. Joseph

I have nothing further to add at present to my reply to the hon. Member on 2nd February.—[Vol. 810, c. 309.]

Mr. Golding

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is growing concern throughout the country about the lack of an effective complaints procedure where there have been abuses in the National Health Service? Is he also aware that even the medical profession is coming round to the view that there ought to be an ombudsman for the National Health Service?

Sir K. Joseph

The issues are nevertheless fairly complex, and I want to discuss them with the representatives of the medical profession before finally making up my mind.

Mrs. Shirley Williams

Will the right hon. Gentleman at least give the House some hope that he will favourably view the appointment of an ombudsman? As the Farleigh Hospital inquiry strongly recommended an ombudsman and there are now extremely disturbing revelations coming out about another mental sub-normality hospital, will he at least consider other safeguards for patients who are unable to protect themselves?

Sir K. Joseph

I shall certainly give full weight to the Farleigh recommendation, but I must hear arguments on the other side as well before coming to a final conclusion.