HC Deb 24 March 1971 vol 814 c508
Mr. Houghton

Mr. Speaker, I ask leave to present a Petition on behalf of the Trades Union Congress—[HON. MEMBERS:, "Hear, hear!"]—signed by all members of the General Council and over 500,000 workers throughout the land, all of whom are making a contribution to the economic strength and welfare of this country.

The Petition sheweth That the Industrial Relations Bill will disrupt the orderly workings of industrial relations in Britain, prejudice the essential activities of democratically constituted trade unions, and deprive workpeople both collectively and individually of rights which are fundamental in a free society. As I hope to catch your eye in the debate on the Third Reading later today, Mr. Speaker, I need not enlarge on the Petition of the T.U.C. against the Bill, except to quote the conclusion, which reads: Wherefore your petitioners pray that the Industrial Relations Bill should be withdrawn"—

Hon. Members

Hear, hear! Where are the Tories?

Mr. Houghton

—which there is still time to do. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.

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