HC Deb 15 March 1971 vol 813 cc912-3

The School Broadcasting Council for the United Kingdom shall be regarded as being in partnership with the British Broadcasting Corporation in the joint purposes of providing effective programmes and associated materials aimed at meeting the needs of the schools in the United Kingdom and encouraging their most profitable use, shall have the duty of guiding the Corporation in the provision of its educational service to schools, and shall stand sponsor for this service vis-a-vis the educational world. In the discharge of its responsibilities the Council shall:

  1. 1. Study educational practice and trends in the schools of the United Kingdom and consider in what ways the education which they provide can be aided by School Broadcasts.
  2. 2. Formulate the general educational policy of School Broadcasts and associated materials.
  3. 3. Arrange with the Corporation for the provision of all School Broadcasts and associated materials.
  4. 4. Determine the general aims and scope of the several series of School Broadcasts and of the associated materials which the Council ask the Corporation to provide.
  5. 5. Except for School Broadcasts intended for schools in Scotland and Wales only, consider plans submitted by the Corporation to implement the policy of the Council for series of School Broadcasts and for associated materials and recommend their adoption, amendment or rejection.
  6. 6. Obtain and assess evidence on the suitability of School Broadcasts and make this evidence and the assessment available to the Corporation as appropriate.
  7. 7. Conduct and promote research into the methods and results of school Broadcasts and into the educational, technical 913 and administrative problems involved in their use.
  8. 8. By the issue of publications and other means, make known the Council's general policy, the aims and content of the several series of School Broadcasts and the findings of the research referred to in 7.
  9. 9. Assist the Corporation in the selection of officers concerned with School Broadcasts.
  10. 10. Assist generally in the development of School Broadcasting and be the official link between the Corporation and the educational world in respect of the duties of the Council.