HC Deb 10 March 1971 vol 813 cc395-6
21. Mr. John Fraser

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement about the official visit to Lambeth by the Minister of State on 15th February, 1971.

Mr. Peter Walker

The primary purpose of my right hon. Friend's visit was to see the borough council's housing aid centre in operation; but he also took the opportunity to see for himself the problems of obsolescence and overcrowding which confront the borough council as a housing authority. My right hon. Friend was cordially received by this progressive authority.

Mr. Fraser

I am sorry that the right hon. Gentleman's hon. Friend cannot answer it for himself. Did it strike the Minister of State that it is a ludicrous situation that whereas in Lambeth at the moment almost 2,000 houses are under construction, in the contiguous borough of Croydon only 145 were under construction at the end of September? If the housing aid centre is to do something, there must be some strategy for London public housing as a whole.

Mr. Walker

The housing aid centre is organising for housing needs to be met far outside the Borough of Lambeth itself. My hon. Friend was visiting Lambeth and not Croydon and he was impressed by the work of Lambeth's very progressive authority.

Mr. Allason

Would my hon. Friend arrange for right hon. and hon. Members to be able to visit the housing aid centre, since obviously such centres are needed in many parts of the country?

Mr. Walker

I will consider that suggestion. I would certainly urge hon. Members on both sides of the House to visit the centre, which I think is to the forefront in giving advice on housing problems and should be copied in many other areas.

Mr. Lipton

But how much is Lambeth going to get by way of extra urban aid in dealing with the local problems of Lambeth? We relish visits by hon. Members, but we want to know how much it is all going to boil down to.

Mr. Walker

I can understand the hon. Gentleman's impatience but he will appreciate that the whole of our reframing of housing finance is in order to help areas like Lambeth, which were so neglected by the last Government.