§ 12. Mr. McCrindleasked the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects to complete his discussions with the development corporations and the New Towns Commission concerning measures to encourage private house building in new towns; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Peter WalkerThe discussions mentioned in the answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Rossendale (Mr. Bray) on 28th April have been completed and a circular was sent to the new towns on 18th May. In addition, a seminar is to be held at which all parties concerned will be able to discuss any outstanding problems. The Department will continue to hold discussions with the corporations 428 and the Commission in order to review progress.—[Vol. 816, c. 104.]
§ Mr. McCrindleI congratulate my right hon. Friend on those steps, which are very much in the interests of balanced development within the new towns. Will he please assure me that, first, he will make a point of ensuring that adequate land is made available for private housing development within the new towns, and, second, that he will keep in touch with the corporations to make sure that they comply with the letter and the spirit of the new policy?
§ Mr. WalkerWe shall be in constant touch with the corporations on this topic. I know that they want to make progress in this matter.