HC Deb 16 June 1971 vol 819 cc434-5
23. Mr. Thomas Cox

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he is satisfied with the progress being made on the installing of safety barriers on motorways; and if He will make a statement.

Mr. Graham Page

As the central reserve safety barrier programme is now under way and installation is proceeding on time, I am well satisfied with progress.

Mr. Cox

While noting that answer, may I ask the Minister to agree that the installing of safety reservation barriers on existing motorways has unfortunately been slow, with less than 100 miles of such barriers having so far been provided? In view of the continuing number of accidents and the loss of life when vehicles cross the central reservation, is it not time for the Department to give greater priority to this provision?

Mr. Page

The work is up to the programme announced by my right hon. Friend the Minister for Transport Industries last year, when he gave the figure of 242 miles by the end of April, 1972, with a 1,000-mile programme by 1975. We are working on the basis of the busiest first and are trying to make this provision where the danger occurs.

Sir J. Langford-Holt

While welcoming the creation of physical barriers, may I ask my hon. Friend to agree that an additional hazard is the light danger and that a considerable risk and danger still exists after dark because none of these barriers goes up to the light level?

Mr. Page

That is another problem with which I would be pleased to deal if my hon. Friend would table a Question on the subject.

Mr. Farr

Is my hon. Friend bearing in mind the fact that the central reservation is sometimes needed by a driver who has had a puncture and wishes to move off the road to effect a repair? When a central barrier is placed in position it is impossible for the driver to pull in to the central reservation. Is my hon. Friend aware that the driver must try to get across to the near-side parking lane, often with attendant risk to vehicles?

Mr. Page

It is really a matter of choice between safety provisions. We have chosen barriers as being the provision which will give most safety.