HC Deb 29 July 1971 vol 822 c773
20. Mr. James Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what were the grants given to apprenticeship training centres in Lanarkshire in 1969, 1970 and 1971; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Bryan

Grants to such centres in Lanarkshire (excluding the City and County of Glasgow) amounted to £64,771 in 1969 and £276,091 in 1970. It is not possible to give a meaningful figure for this year as claims are not normally paid until late in the year.

Mr. Hamilton

Will the hon. Gentleman not agree that there is a distinct possibility that, taking the present trend, the 1971 figure will show a decrease, and that in Lanarkshire, with the school leaving period of the summer time, 8,000 young people left school of whom 6,000 have not found jobs and 2,000 are taking further education? Is he further aware that because we do not have employment for craftsmen there is no need for apprentices and that consequently, unless something helpful is forthcoming, there will be a very serious position indeed for the people of Lanarkshire?

Mr. Bryan

The unemployment position is very serious, but it is certainly correct to continue to maintain apprentice training, and that is what we are trying to do. The hon. Gentleman will have heard the general remarks made by my right hon. Friend to the hon. Member for Wandsworth, Central (Mr. Thomas Cox). With regard to special measures being taken, the engineering industry training board is proposing to increase its grant for the first year for off-job training for craftsmen from £500 to £600 this year. The construction industry training board is increasing its grant as well by 50 per cent.

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