HC Deb 26 July 1971 vol 822 cc23-5
29. Mr. Rost

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what further information he now has on when the White Paper on metrication is to be published.

Sir J. Eden

I cannot add to the Answer given to my hon. Friend the Member for Bosworth (Mr. Adam Butler) on 22nd June this year.—[Vol. 819, c. 252.]

Mr. Rost

Does not my hon. Friend agree that large numbers of the public are becoming increasingly suspicious about creeping metrication? If we are to have metrication thrust down our unwilling throats, ought not it first to be the subject of approval of this House?

Mr. Russell Kerr

Give them an inch and they take a yard.

Sir J. Eden

Metrication has always been a voluntary matter for industry, with co-ordination under the general guidance of the Metrication Board. As regards the latter part of my hon. Friend's question, he will know that already we have given assurances to the House in that respect.

Mr. John Hall

If metrication is an entirely voluntary matter, can my hon. Friend explain why it is that, in the next few years, it will be the only system taught in our schools?

B.O.A.C. and B.E.A. I am sure that the whole House will be glad to note that.

The following is the Table:

Sir J. Eden

It is probably because education authorities are becoming increasingly aware of the extent to which the voluntary development of metrication has spread throughout industry.

39. Mr. John Hall

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what guidance he has given to industry about conversion to the metric system in view of the fact that the countries within the European Economic Community, together with Denmark and Norway, have adopted or are about to adopt theSystem Internationale d' Unites.

Sir J. Eden

Guidance is being given by the Metrication Board whose primary function is to facilitate and co-ordinate the voluntary changeover of industry to the metric system.

Mr. Hall

Does my hon. Friend agree that we are in danger of getting into confusion about conversion to the metric system? Does he agree that at the moment we are introducing the metric system into this country by stealth? Should we not have a debate to decide, first, whether we are to introduce the metric system and, secondly, if we are, what kind of system?

Sir J. Eden

My hon. Friend will recollect that we have had debates on this subject. We have undertaken to publish a White Paper as soon as possible setting out the Government's comprehensive view on the matter. Debates will then take place on the White Paper.

Mr. Biffen

Will my hon. Friend tell us whether, in the event of British accession to the Treaty of Rome, the many hundreds of regulations, directives and recommendations of the Commission, which would have to become an integral part of our statutes, require that this House shall introduce metric legislation? Is he aware that guidance on this specific point is urgently required?

Sir J. Eden

No, Sir. I think that the question of what will be the position under the Treaty of Rome will be a matter for us after membership. In the meantime, as my hon. Friend will be aware, discussions are going on at Brussels about the international system of units, and at this stage we are closely associated with those talks to ensure that no decisions are taken which run counter to our own interests in the matter.

Mr. Benn

Before the Government publish the White Paper will the Minister consult the former Director-General of the C.B.I., the right hon. Member for Knutsford (Mr. John Davies), who is on record as criticising the previous Government for proceeding too slowly in this matter?

Sir J. Eden

I will happily consult the former Director-General on this and other matters, as I find his advice extremely valuable and well-informed.