HC Deb 19 July 1971 vol 821 cc1010-1
3. Mr. Scott-Hopkins

asked the Secretary of State for Wales what has been the total income, accruing to local authorities in Wales, from the reservoirs in Wales which supply water to statutory water undertakers.

Mr. Gibson-Watt

This information is not readily available.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

I understand that, but does not my hon. Friend agree that the amount of money coming in this way to local authorities is much less than it would be if they were in a position to sell their water to outside bodies?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

My hon. Friend may well be right on that, but to make inquiries from 1,300 reservoir holders and from 46 holders of other reservoirs which were constructed before 1931 would be a considerable operation from our point of view.

Mr. Elystan Morgan

Do not many of these water undertakings make a very substantial profit from the sale of water, and is it not reasonable that the area from which such water is drawn should have a share in that prosperity?

Mr. Gibson-Watt

Yes, indeed, and some of the areas referred to by the hon. Gentleman benefit considerably, some more than others.