HC Deb 16 July 1971 vol 821 cc993-4

Ordered, That— (1) all Select Committees having power to send for persons, papers and records shall have power to authorise the publication by the witnesses concerned of memoranda of evidence submitted to them and of the names of persons who have been summoned to appear as witnesses before them ; and Resolutions, this House will not entertain any complaint of contempt of the House or breach of privilege in respect of the publication of the debates or proceedings of the House or of its Committees, except when any such debates or proceedings shall have been conducted with closed doors or in private, or when such publication shall have been expressly prohibited by the House.—[Mr. Whitelaw.] (2) Mr. Speaker shall have power to authorise such publication in the case of any such Select Committee which is no longer in existence.

That this Order be a Standing Order of the House.—[Mr. Whitelaw.]

Mr. Speaker

Motion No. 9.

Mr. Whitelaw

Not moved, Mr. Speaker.