HC Deb 15 July 1971 vol 821 cc689-90

Amendment made : In page 16, line 11, at end insert : (iii) subject to the provisions of any bye-laws for the time being in force (including byelaws for the purpose of ensuring that Cumberland Basin Lock and Junction Lock Bridges are opened at times convenient to road traffic) and to the following provisions of this subsection the Corporation shall when and so far as is practicable permit noncommercial vessels of an overall height not exceeding 70 feet reckoned from water level and of a draught not exceeding 12 feet to enter into so much of the Floating Harbour as lies between Junction Lock and the speci- fied line and shall also when and so far as is practicable (but without prejudice to section 28 (Relief from obligation to open Redcliff Bridge) of this Act) permit noncommercial vessels of an overall height not exceeding 11 feet reckoned from water level and of a draught not exceeding 6 feet 6 inches to enter into so much of the Floating Harbour as lies to the east of the specified line. (iv) where under paragraph (iii) of this proviso non-commercial vessels of dimensions exceeding the prescribed dimensions are permitted to enter into any portion of the Floating Harbour such vessels shall enter into such portion and shall navigate and moor at such times, in such positions and in accordance with such reasonable terms and conditions as may be prescribed from time to time by the Corporation and the Corporation shall be under no obligation, whether statutory or otherwise, regarding the safety of such vessels, or of persons therein or thereon, or to carry out any works for the purpose of accommodation of such vessels. (2) For the purposes of paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of the proviso to subsection (2) of this section— 'the specified line' means the line of the western side of the bridge to be constructed across the Floating Harbour in the vicinity of Jacobs Wells when the position of that bridge has been determined and until such time means the line of the Mardyke Ferry. 'non-commercial vessel' means any vessel employed in the service of Her Majesty, any vessel used for the purposes of nautical training and any yacht or launch (other than a yacht or launch used for the carriage, accommodation or entertainment of persons for hire or reward).—[Mr. Palmer.]

Bill to be read the Third time.