HC Deb 13 July 1971 vol 821 cc205-6
29. Mr. Lipton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what weekly national insurance contribution is payable by a male employee over 70 years of age and his employer ; to what funds are such contributions' credited ; and what benefits accrue to the employee.

Mr. Dean

As the reply contains a number of figures, I will, if I may, circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Lipton

The reply does not contain such a large number of figures that the answer cannot be given now. Is not it a fact that a large sum is paid out in such cases for which there is no substantial return to the employee concerned, and that this deters employers from employing such people?

Mr. Dean

The employee in this case pays only 4p for the industrial injury scheme, which gives him cover whatever his age—even the 70-year old.

Following is the information : A male employee over 70 pays £0.04 and his employer £2.15. The employee's contribution goes to the Industrial Injuries Fund and of the employer's contribution £0.754 is credited to the National Insurance Fund, £0.05 to the Industrial Injuries Fund, £0.083 towards the National Health Service, £0.063 to the Redundancy Fund and £1.20 is Selective Employment Tax. The employee normally draws retirement pension and may qualify for benefit under the Industrial Injuries Act for an accident at work ; and he also, of course, comes within the National Health Service, though this does not accrue from the payment of contributions.