HC Deb 07 July 1971 vol 820 cc1337-8
44 and 75. Mr. Harold Walker

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) why the maps and diagrams published in connection with his proposed roads programme all show the proposed M1 8 extension as bypassing the County Borough of Doncaster when he has published proposals showing it going through the town;

(2) if he is aware that traffic levels are such that Doncaster is now one of the most congested towns in Yorkshire and that Doncaster is one of the most ancient and historic boroughs in that county; and why he proposes to route the M18 motorway through the town in contradiction of the policy announced on 23 rd June.

Mr. Graham Page

The lines on the maps illustrating my right hon. Friend's announcement of additions to the road programme were diagrammatic. Actual alignments are determined by statutory procedure. The inspector's report on the public inquiry into the proposed extension of the M18 is now under consideration. The decision will take into account the points made by the hon. Member.

Mr. Walker

Irrespective of the lack of clarity of the maps and diagrams, is not the Minister's proposal to put the motorway through the heart of this county borough completely irreconcilable with his published policy of the week before last to bypass towns and boroughs? Will he look again at his proposal.

Mr. Page

There has never been any suggestion of putting the motorway through the heart of Doncaster. The lines on the map show it touching the fringe. It goes through the outer area of the town.

Mr. James Johnson

Will the Minister show the most indecent haste in this matter in view of the fact that, one of these days, we hope that the Ml8 will get us quicker to Hull?

Mr. Page

I am anxious to settle the matter and to give the hon. Gentleman proper access to his town.