HC Deb 07 July 1971 vol 820 c1332
28. Mr. Sheldon

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a further statement on the Channel Tunnel.

Mr. Peyton

No, Sir.

Mr. Sheldon

In a previous exchange the Under-Secretary of State referred to information showing that a road link would be uneconomic. Will the Minister publish this information?

Mr. Peyton

I will certainly look at the point. Is the hon. Gentleman referring to a road tunnel?

Mr. Sheldon

A road link.

Mr. Peyton

I will certainly look at the point, and I shall be grateful if the hon. Gentleman will explain more fully what he means.

Mr. Sheldon

The previous exchange referred to any form of road link across the Channel; and, although the Minister has many times said that he would provide information if requested, he has failed to do so in reply to a number of Questions I have put to him. Does that view apply to this matter also?

Mr. Peyton

The hon. Gentleman is an habitual questioner. I do my best to provide exhaustive and constructive answers. I am sorry that I have disappointed him. I am not quite sure lo what he is referring. If he is referring to the possibility of a road tunnel, I am obliged to tell him that my advice is that ventilation problems, apart from anything else, would be an almost insurmountable barrier.