HC Deb 20 January 1971 vol 809 cc1065-6
41. Mr. Dormand

asked the Lord President of the Council when he expects accommodation for physical exercise to be available in the proposed new Parliamentary building.

Mr. Whitelaw

When the new building is completed. On present plans, this should be 1978.

Mr. Dormand

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that that is far too long to wait? Will the right hon. Gentleman re-examine the position in this building to see whether a room can be made available immediately? Surely there must be some tiny corner in this huge Palace which can be used for this important purpose and which could be equipped at very little cost. Judging from the recent photograph of the Prime Minister, perhaps he would be happy to join me very quickly in taking advantage of such facilities.

Mr. Whitelaw

While never wishing to follow any comments about individuals concerning physical exercise—because I realise how intensely vulnerable I permanently am—I would only say that there is a great demand in this House for accommodation for Members to do their work as Members of Parliament. This must take precedence over other clearly desirable requirements.

Mr. James Hamilton

Will the Lord President of the Council pay attention to what has been said by my hon. Friend, as many of his own colleagues will not be here in 1978 and will, therefore, want to avail themselves of some accommodation during the transitional period? Will the right hon. Gentleman make premises available now to those of us who are keep-fit addicts?

Mr. Whitelaw

I must stick to my previous reply, except to add that if I am one of those who will be here in 1978 I shall certainly be less inclined to physical exercise than I am now.