HC Deb 15 February 1971 vol 811 c1185
19. Dr. Gilbert

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications if he will give a general direction to the Post Office that it makes an investigation of the costs and revenues likely to arise from installing a telephone service on inter-city trains, and that it publishes the results of that investigation.

Mr. Chataway

No, Sir. This is a commercial matter for the Post Office and British Rail.

Dr. Gilbert

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is the second disappointing answer that we have had on this subject? Will he accept that this is not just a case of a frivolous luxury but something that would make a great deal of difference in the industrial efficiency of the country?

Mr. Chataway

I agree that in principle it would seem to be a desirable feature. The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that it is a question for the two bodies I mentioned as to whether it is introduced. I believe that American experience as to whether it can be made commercially viable is very gloomy.

Mr. Selwyn Gummer

Would my right hon. Friend agree that he often has to say on a matter like this that it is a Board matter, and that many of the unhappinesses on this side or the other side of the House spring from the belief that the Post Office Board is never as quick in taking up new and imaginative ideas as it might be?

Mr. Chataway

I know that the Post Office is interested in this idea and has been for some years. Some technical trials were carried out in 1965.