HC Deb 01 February 1971 vol 810 c1243
24. Mr. George Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Wales what decision he has reached concerning road signs in Wales; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Thomas

I am considering representations recently made to me by county authorities and others on this matter and hope to make a statement very shortly.

Mr. George Thomas

Is the right lion. and learned Gentleman accepting those inquiries on the basis of the circular which I sent out last year? Am I to assume that, in general, he is adopting the same policy? If he is taking a different line, will he indicate the differences? Is he aware that many people are watching his reaction to the blackmailing tactics of some people at the present time?

Mr. Peter Thomas

I certainly accept the circular which the right hon. Gentleman sent out at the beginning of last year, and I have already said so. In fact, it may be surprising to the right hon. Gentleman to learn that I paid tribute to him for what he did. Indeed, I believe that not enough credit was given to him for his efforts in this matter. If he had accepted some criticism from the minority with less excitability, he might have been given the credit which he deserved. I intend to look at this matter to see whether any improvement is possible, having regard to the complex issues bearing on road safety and the environment.

Mr. Speaker

Mr. George Thomas; next Question.

Mr. George Thomas

It is a pity that we must leave this one, Mr. Speaker.