That so much of the Lords Message (16th December) as relates to the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the procedures and practice by which the control of each House over delegated legislation is exercised and to report how they might be improved, be now considered.—[Mr. Clegg.]
§ So much of the Lords Message considered accordingly.
That a Select Committee of seven Members be appointed to join with the Committee appointed by the Lords to inquire into the procedures and practice by which the control of each House over delegated legislation is exercised and to report how they might be improved.
The Committee was nominated of Mr. Brian Batsford, Mr. Albert Booth, Mr. Denzil Davies, Mr. Michael Hamilton, Mr. George Lawson, Mr. James Ramsden, and Mr. Walder be Members of the Committee:
That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records; and to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House:
That Three be the Quorum of the Committee.—[Mr. Clegg.]
§ Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.