HC Deb 01 December 1971 vol 827 cc420-1
8. Mr. Hunter

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to classify as trunk roads the approach roads to the Forth Road Bridge.

Mr. Younger

I see no justification for reopening the question of the classification of these roads.

Mr. Hunter

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that circumstances have changed since the work on these approach roads was first carried out? He will know that there have been two extensions to the A90 covering some 16 miles of motorway and that because a considerable part of the motorway which is in my constituency is considered to be a principal rather than a trunk road, Dunfermline Town Council has to bear the maintenance costs. Is he aware that the Severn Bridge, which serves Bristol and South Wales, does not put a cost burden on the local authorities since the cost of its approach roads is borne by the central Government? Will not the hon. Gentleman bring in amending legislation to alter the financial arrangements dealing with approach roads to bridges?

Mr. Younger

I do not agree with what the hon. Gentleman has said. Extensions to the M90 do not fall within the cost of the Forth Bridge. The financial arrangements under which this bridge was constructed provided for approach roads in the total costs. There were compensating advantages to the joint board in the form of an outright Government grant of £4.65 million and a waiving of interest amounting to £1.667 million. This must be taken into account in making comparisons.

Mr. Clark Hutchison

Will my hon. Friend look at the representations which were made quite recently by the Edinburgh Town Council, and will he let me know what he thinks about them?

Mr. Younger

I have had a letter on this matter and will write to my hon. Friend to let him know what answer I can give.

Mr. Grimond

The hon. Gentleman has just turned down a request for the payment of compensation to a ferryman in my constituency on the ground that he is running a ferry between two roads which are not trunk roads but says that in the case of the Forth Bridge trunk roads were involved and he was, therefore, entitled to pay compensation to a ferry. How does the hon. Gentleman reconcile these two decisions?

Mr. Younger

As the right hon. Gentleman knows, I have written to him about this matter, but the ferryman in question was given compensation by the county council for having run the ferry for some time before the Trondra-Burra Bridge was opened. It is up to the county council to consider whether it wants to give compensation.

Mr. Grimond

No compensation was given by the county council.