HC Deb 03 August 1971 vol 822 cc1321-3
19. Dr. Stuttaford

Following is the information:

Sir K. Joseph

The number of persons in England entitled to free welfare milk and vitamins, apart from those in receipt of supplementary benefit, was increased under the Welfare Food Order. 1971, from an estimated 327,000 to an estimated 420,000. About 230,000 persons receiving supplementary benefit also have an entitlement.

On present evidence it is estimated that the number not receiving supplementary benefit who are taking up their entitlement has increased by about one-third from an estimated 166,000 to an estimated 220,000. The grand total of persons taking up their entitlement, including those receiving supplementary benefit but after making a deduction to allow for the fact that some of these have an entitlement as large families, is estimated at 420,000 out of an estimated number entitled of 650,000.

Dr. Stuttaford

Is my right hon. Friend aware that these figures are very satisfactory but that he must continue his publicity efforts and even increase them, as nourishment obtained in these early years is among the factors which determine the future stature and health of the adult? Although one is pleased by the present take-up, will he continue his publicity efforts so that the number still further increases?

Sir K. Joseph

We want to raise the proportion, but I remind my hon. Friend that all those on the family income supplement with children below school age will be entitled, and their number will have to be added to the figures I have just given him.