HC Deb 30 April 1971 vol 816 c885
5 A person shall be guilty of an offence under sections 1 to 7 of this Act (relating to the packaging, manufacture and sale of manufactured tobacco products) if he knowingly contravenes the provisions of this Act and in Great Britain exposes for sale, offers for sale, sells, offers to purchase, purchases or is found in possession (and whether for purposes of commercial transit or otherwise) of any manufactured tobacco products not labelled or not having the contents required by this Act or any regulations made hereunder:
Provided that a person shall not be guilty of an offence—
10 (i) if he is found in possession only of any manufactured tobacco product in his own personal pouch, case, box or similar domestic or carrying receptacle;
(ii) if any manufactured tobacco substance found in his possession or under his control was purchased or acquired in any place outside Great Britain;
15 (iii) if at the time of any purchase within Great Britain of any manufactured tobacco substance he honestly believed that at some time labels or cards had been affixed or inserted by the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer.

As Amendments to proposed new Clause:

Amendment (a), in line 2, leave out 'manufacture'.

Amendment (b), in line 4, leave out 'offers to purchase'.

Amendment (c), in line 5, after 'otherwise', insert: 'but not for personal consumption'.

Amendment (d), in line 15, after 'retailer', insert 'or importer'.

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