HC Deb 26 April 1971 vol 816 c23
31. Mr. Allason

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what progress he has made in his discussions with the Tanzanian Government with regard to the payment of pensions of former servants of the Zanzibar Government.

Mr. Wood

The Tanzanian Government have now told me that they recognise no obligation in regard to these pensions, and I am considering the position further in the light of this reply.

Mr. Allason

Does my right hon. Friend agree that originally many of these pensions were paid by the British Government, and after independence an agreement was reached with the Sultan handing over responsibility for the payment of pensions? Now, as my right hon. Friend says, that that agreement has been abrogated, surely responsibility must revert to Her Majesty's Government?

Mr. Wood

Clearly, the obligation rests, as it did after independence, on the present Zanzibar Government. But there is no practical way of compelling the payment of these pensions, so I am considering the situation to see what can be done.

Mrs. Hart

Has the right hon. Gentleman's obvious difference of view on this matter with the Government of Tanzania any relation to the fact that the programme of aid to Tanzania which was supposed to have started last July still appears not to have been begun?

Mr. Wood

No. It has no connection.