HC Deb 22 April 1971 vol 815 cc1349-50
20. Mr. Edwin Wainwright

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will call for a report from the Chief Constable of the West Yorkshire Constabulary, giving the number

Year Recruitment excluding transfers Wastage (including normal loss e.g. through retirement, but excluding transfers) Wastage*of officers with less than 10 years' service Wastage* of officers with 10 to 20 years' service Authorised establishment at 31st December Strength at 31st December Deficiency
1966 280 196 4,602 3,439 1,163
1967 342 169 4,663 3,578 1,085
1968 205 244 47 12 4,663 3,527 1,136
(from 1st October) (from 1st October)
1969 265 236 149 24 4,663 3,532 1,131
1970 296 167 111 12 4,663 3,648 1,015
1971 76 41 22 7 4,663 3,680 983
(1st January to 31st March) (31st March) (31st March)
* Information is not available for the period prior to amalgamation on 1st October, 1968.

of policemen who have left the police force during each of the past five years, the respective numbers who had served less than 10 years, and from 10 to 20 years, the numbers recruited each year and the present shortfall.

Mr. Sharples

As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Wainwright

Would the hon. Gentleman agree that the figures he has given prove that for too long we have been short of manpower in our police force, especially in the area covered by the West Yorkshire Constabulary? If the recent increase does not stop this wastage in the police force, will he guarantee that there will be a review within six months to try to make certain that new measures are taken in respect of salaries to improve recruitment? What is he doing about staff appraisal and other service conditions in the police force to try to make the service more attractive?

Mr. Sharples

The matters referred to in the latter part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary are matters for the Police Council and for negotiation in that council through the normal channels. I recognise that there is a problem in the West Yorkshire police force but I am glad to say that the rate of wastage has been going down and that, as compared with a net wastage of 39 in 1968, there was in 1970 an overall increase in the strength of the force of 129.

Following is the information: