HC Deb 21 April 1971 vol 815 cc1168-9
28. Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the number of homes in the comprehensive housing programme currently operated by the London Borough of Camden under the following categories, namely, council building, housing associations, and improvement areas.

Mr. Channon

With permission, I will circulate these statistics, which present an encouraging picture, in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Finsberg

Would my hon. Friend agree that if the example of the progressive London Borough of Camden were followed throughout other parts of the country the housing situation would be much improved? Would he do his best to ensure that sensible information is provided lest any credence should be given to the arguments adduced by hon. Members opposite?

Mr. Channon

I agree with my hon. Friend that the figures from Camden are impressive, and I pay tribute to my hon. Friend for the part that he has played in their production.

Mr. Freeson

While the hon. Gentleman may pay tribute to Camden, will be continue to bear in mind that the vast majority of Conservative-controlled councils have during the past three years drastically cut back on their house-building programes? Will he avoid at all costs conniving at the "cooking" of figures which is going on in some local authorities under Conservative control, which are pretending that their programes are rising when they are remaining steady and in many cases going down?

Mr. Channon

What the hon. Member is always trying to disguise is the fact that completions this year are likely to be higher than last year when he was in Government.

Following is the information:

Council building (including G.L.C.) for the period 1971–75 4,400
Housing Associations, for the period 1971–72 850
Improvements, for the period 1971–73 2,850