HC Deb 19 April 1971 vol 815 cc787-8
2. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications what plans he now has for hiving-off the more profitable parts of the postal and telecommunications services to private interests.

The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications (Mr. Christopher Chataway)

None at present.

Mr. Hamilton

What does the Minister mean by "None at present?" Is there not an element of absurdity in the Government's philosophy of intending to hand back to private enterprise profitable parts of nationalised industries, and nationalising private enterprise which is making a loss?

Mr. Chataway

I cannot go beyond the answer I have given, that I have no proposals to put before the House in this respect.

Mr. Richard

The Minister has repeated today what he told us on the last occasion when this subject was raised, namely, that he had no proposals to put before the House at present. I have been pressing for an answer for six months. Will he go a little further and say that he has no intention of putting proposals to the House to this effect?

Mr. Chataway

I cannot give any blanket assurance to the House on all the activities of the Post Office. All I am pre- pared to say today is that I have no specific proposals to put forward at this stage.

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