HC Deb 19 April 1971 vol 815 cc794-5
18. Mr. Hugh Jenkins

asked the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications what proposals he has with regard to appointments of Governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Mr. Chataway

I hope that an appointment to fill the present vacancy for a national governor for Scotland will be announced very soon; and that thereafter, new appointments will be made as existing ones end.

Mr. Jenkins

In view of the charges which are frequently made on each side of the House that the B.B.C. is biased in the direction of the party opposite, whichever it is, would the Minister consider the possibility of appointing two governors who would be specifically charged with the duty of seeing that a proper balance is preserved? When does he propose to have a debate in the House on the alternative service to the B.B.C.?

Mr. Chataway

On the second part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question, my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House has said that there will be a debate. I am not able to give any indication when that will be.

On the hon. Gentleman's first interesting proposal, I have a suspicion that if that suggestion were followed, he and other hon. Gentlemen might doubt whether the two appointed were unbiased.

Mr. Evelyn King

Does my right hon. Friend accept that the governors have responsibility for policy and that that is a pretty heavy responsibility? Will he see that among the governors, as well as retired people, there is some representation of youth and vigour? Does my right hon. Friend also accept that the Director-General has the honourable place of chief executive?

Mr. Chataway

I accept the validity of those points.

Mr. Gregor Mackenzie

May I ask the Minister why we have had a vacancy for the Scottish national governor since November last year? Since it was known that the post would obviously become vacant some months before, why has there been such a long delay this time?

Mr. Chataway

This is a longer delay than one would want to see, but finding the best available person is sometimes a lengthy process.

Mr. Longden

Are not all the governors of the B.B.C. already charged with the duty of seeing that a proper balance is maintained?

Mr. Chataway

That is so.