HC Deb 08 April 1971 vol 815 cc665-7
23 and 24. Mr. Carol Johnson

asked the Minister of State for Defence (1) why, after more than 23 years of live-firing use of the Merrivale area in the Dartmoor National Park, it has been found necessary to dig a large pit for a concrete base and erect an additional flagpole structure on White Tor; why such work has been carried out without observing agreed consultation procedure with the Park Planning Authority and in direct contravention of Ministry of Planning Circular No. 100; and why the convenant in the Duchy of Cornwall licence granted in 1956, which forbids damage to natural tors, has been ignored;

(2) whether, in view of the beauty of White Tor in the Dartmoor National Park and of its scheduled ancient monuments, he will at once direct that the flagpole structure recently constructed there by the military authorities should be removed and the site restored without delay.

The Minister of State for Defence Procurement (Mr. Ian Gilmour)

It had become necessary to improve the public warning system by the erection of a flagpole near White Tor as a result of increasing public access to the Merrivale Range area. The Dartmoor National Park Committee was informed, and Circular 100 was not contravened. The flagpole has been sited some 100 yards from the natural tor at the summit. It would not be in the interests of public safety to remove the flagpole.

Mr. Johnson

is the hon. Gentleman aware that that is a most unsatisfactory reply and that both the siting and the usefulness of the flagpole are certainly in dispute, and that it is doubtful whether it will add further to the warnings which exist? Over and above that, does not this undermine completely the arrangements built up for prior consultation with the Park Planning Authority? The Clerk to Devon County Council specifically asked for a decision to be held up pending the Park Planning Authority's consideration of the matter. In view of the appointment of the Nugent Committee to review the matter of the holding of land by the military, is it not a very awkward moment at which to undermine the whole attitude to the military use of Dartmoor?

Mr. Gilmour

No. I cannot accept any of the contentions of the hon. Member. He ignores the factor of public safety, which is surely a very important one. He ignores the fact that this is one flagpole added to eight which are already there. It has been carefully sited as a result of the advice of Lady Fox, who is the head lecturer in archaelogy at Exeter University. On the planning point, paragraph 5(b) lays down that minor operations of this sort are not subject to prior consultation with the planning authority, although, as I said, the planning authority was informed.

Mr. Johnson

In view of that reply, can the hon. Gentleman explain why Lady Fox should be invited for her opinion but the Park Planning Authority, which is directly responsible, should be ignored?

Mr. Gilmour

Well, Lady Fox is the head lecturer in archæology at Exeter University. [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."] She is the author of Her Majesty's Stationery Office's booklet on Dartmoor and a former adviser on archæological matters to the Parks Committee and the Ancient Monuments Division of the Department of the Environment. Therefore, she was plainly a suitable person.

Mr. John Morris

I am very glad to hear the credentials of this distinguished lady, but perhaps the hon. Gentleman would seek to answer my hon. Friend's question. Why should she be invited, as opposed to the appropriate authority?

Mr. Gilmour

As I say, under paragraph 5(b) this was a minor operation which is not subject to Circular 100. The county council was informed. It is true that the clerk asked for a postponement, but after being told of the reason he did not insist that there should be delay. I must emphasise that public safety is involved. This is caused by increased public access, which I am sure the House will welcome, though, perhaps, not those for whom the hon. Gentleman is speaking.

Mr. Johnson

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of that reply, I give notice that I shall take an opportunity of raising the matter on the Adjournment.