HC Deb 08 April 1971 vol 815 cc667-8
27. Mr. John Morris

asked the Minister of State for Defence what consideration he has given to lengthening the tour of duty of service units posted to Northern Ireland.

Mr. Ian Gilmour

The length of emergency tour has been reviewed on a number of occasions, but, as I said in the Defence Estimates debate on 11th March, I think that four months is long enough.—[Vol. 813, c. 740–1.]

Mr. Morris

I would remind the hon. Gentleman of the words he used on that occasion: I am inclined to think that anything longer than four months would be too long."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 11th March, 1971; Vol. 813, c. 741.] He said he would certainly bear in mind the suggestion of continuity of service of intelligence officers. Originally when the period of four months was decided, this matter was urgent, and accommodation was then unsatisfactory, but now there has been a great demand on the forces and there should be some improvement in the accommodation. Will the hon. Gentleman ensure that the door is not closed completely to reconsideration of this issue in order to ensure the more efficient use of our troops?

Mr. Gilmour

I agree with a good deal of what the right hon. Gentleman says. Accommodation has been improved, but it is still not good, and troops often have to live in makeshift accommodation. They have to undertake particularly exacting duties, and they are separated from their families during that period. I think that four months is long enough but steps have been taken to improve the continuity of intelligence cover.