HC Deb 30 November 1970 vol 807 cc874-5
6. Dr. John A. Cunningham

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what measures he has taken to secure new industrial development in Millom; and if he will make a statement.

Sir J. Eden

The prospects for developments at Millom have been brought to the attention of a number of industrialists inquiring about new locations. Three firms have the area under active consideration at the present time. Every effort will continue to be made to attract suitable industry to the area.

Dr. Cunningham

Is not the Minister aware that that is a thoroughly unsatisfactory answer, particularly in view of the mileage already made by the Conservative Party out of the closure of Millom Hematite? Is he not also aware that almost 2,000 men regularly travel from Millom to places like Barrow, Whitehaven and Ulverston, involving them in round trips every day of 50 to 60 miles, and that these costs are having a very deleterious effect on family incomes in the town?

Sir J. Eden

I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman was disappointed with the reply. I thought that it indicated what is the case, that we regard the situation as serious and are doing our best to help. As the hon. Gentleman knows, the closing of the Millom Hematite Iron and Ore Company took place in 1968 when the Labour Government were in power.