HC Deb 25 November 1970 vol 807 cc385-6
1. Sir G. Nabarro

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what decline in overall coverage will result from the withdrawal of smoke-control orders this winter on account of the shortage of solid smokeless fuel; what restorative measures he proposes for the future; and whether he has plans for temporary amendment to the Clean Air Act.

The Secretary of State for the Environment (Mr. Peter Walker)

The present number of premises subject to suspension is 848,413, which represents 18 per cent. of the total number included in smoke-control orders over the whole country. Since I make suspension orders only when requested by individual authorities in the light of their assessments of local prospects, I cannot forecast the position to the end of the winter.

The situation does not call for amendment of the Clean Air Acts but depends upon the shortage of solid smokeless fuel that the Government inherited. To meet this shortage the Government immediately arranged the import of smokeless fuel from abroad, the restriction of exports of smokeless fuel abroad and spent £300,000 to keep uneconomic coke plants in being and sanctioned the building of a major new smokeless fuel plant near to Doncaster.

Sir G. Nabarro

While exonerating my right hon. Friend entirely for his deplorable inheritance in this context, might I ask whether he will now take urgent steps to collaborate with the responsible Ministers in assuring an adequate supply of solid smokeless fuel in future during this Tory Administration, without which the Clean Air Statute cannot be made fully operational?

Mr. Walker

The appropriate consultations have already taken place. I know how much my hon. Friend regrets the first set-back in the smokeless fuel policy for which he himself had so much personal responsibility.

Mr. Bob Brown

Will the right hon. Gentleman continue to resist the blandishments of the hon. Member for "Wine-piddle" in regard to any amendment of the Act, other than the possibility of amending the Act further to encourage the backsliding authorities which do not seem to understand the need for clean air?

Mr. Walker

There is little use in encouraging the back-sliding local authorities when the last Government left a position in which there was not enough smokeless fuel available for those who wanted it.