HC Deb 05 May 1970 vol 801 cc188-9
20. Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Local Government and Regional Planning if he will add members from parts of the West Midlands not at present represented on the West Midlands Economic Planning Council.

The Minister of State (Mr. T. W. Urwin)

While the members of economic planning councils are appointed as individuals having wide knowledge and experience of their regions rather than as representatives of particular interests or areas, we naturally try to ensure that the membership in total provides as broad a coverage of each region as possible. My right hon. Friend will shortly be making a few further appointments to the West Midlands Council and in doing so will bear my hon. Friend's point in mind.

Mrs. Short

While thanking my hon. Friend for that reply, may I point out that the spread has not been very even in the appointment of this economic planning council? Is he aware that there is no person representing the County Borough of Wolverhampton on this body while there is a large number of representatives from Birmingham? Is he further aware that this does not endear the Maud proposals to members of Wolverhampton County Borough Council? Will he give an undertaking that in making appointments to fill all the places on the council lie will appoint representatives from Wolverhampton?

Mr. Urwin

With so many local authorities it is difficult, if not impossible, to provide representation for them all—

Mrs. Short

It is the only one that has been left out.

Mr. Urwin

I would ask my hon. Friend to bear in mind that the planning council will give full consideration to the problems of the region, wherever they exist, in formulating regional strategy and in the advice given to the Government. As to the specific promise which my hon. Friend requests, I cannot go beyond what I have already said. Further appointments will shortly be made by my right hon. Friend which will take into consideration the representations made.