HC Deb 25 March 1970 vol 798 cc1425-6
31. Mr. J. H. Osborn

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will give responsibility to the Civil Aviation and Development Programme Board, or to another board, in view of advances in civil aviation equipment, to co-ordinate, develop and promote civil aviation, including airports and airport facilities, for conventional take-off and landing, vertical take-off and landing, and short take-off and landing aircraft in the provinces, and the pattern of internal airline services.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

No, Sir. The development and promotion of civil aviation is the responsibility of the Board of Trade. The Civil Aviation Research and Development Board has been set up to co-ordinate research and development for civil aviation equipment other than aircraft engines. As the hon. Member is aware we propose to introduce legislation to set up a Civil Aviation Authority to be responsible for economic and safety regulatory functions.

Mr. Osborn

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the decision not to proceed with an airport at Todwick means that neither Barnsley nor Sheffield are on the air map? What steps will he take to promote facilities to encourage internal scheduled airline services for provincial cities, using S.T.O.L., V.T.O.L. and other light aircraft?

Mr. Roberts

The Civil Aviation Research and Development Board, whose function I tried to define, does not engage in research. It endeavours to pull together, in its reports, the efforts and

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researches on questions of equipment other than those which are dealt with by the Ministry of Technology. I cannot at the moment give a conclusive answer on whether it should address itself to what the hon. Gentleman suggests. In the case of V.T.O.L. and S.T.O.L. it very well might.

Mr. Rankin

Would my right hon. Friend agree that many of the advances advocated in the hon. Gentleman's Question are now proceeding at Glasgow Airport and would proceed more quickly if it were not for the hindering tactics of the British Airports Authority?

Mr. Roberts

I cannot accept my hon. Friend's conclusion, but I agree that some very interesting and useful experimentation and accomplishments have taken place at Glasgow Airport.

Mr. Corfield

May we be assured that, in regard to the studies which are being carried on by the Ministry of Technology into V.T.O.L. and S.T.O.L. potential, his Department and, perhaps even more particularly, the Ministry of Housing, are in close contact throughout, because these matters are much more widely important than simply the Ministry of Technology?

Mr. Roberts

I can give that assurance. I know how close the co-ordination is between my Department and the Ministry of Technology. I have no doubt that the Ministry of Housing is also closely concerned.