HC Deb 24 March 1970 vol 798 cc1188-9
10. Mr. Ridsdale

asked the Minister of Transport if he will state the aggregate miles on 15th October, 1964, and 31st December, 1969, of those motorways in the planning programme for which no line had yet been proposed, a draft scheme published and a scheme made.

Mr. Mulley

As the answer contains a number of figures I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Ridsdale

Why is there to be such a falling off in motorway construction in the next two years? Is it not a fact that in Britain as a whole 170 miles will be started in the whole of the next two years, compared with 160 in 1968 and 169 in 1969?

Mr. Mulley

I do not accept the hon. Gentleman's figures exactly. Two interesting figures that the House might like to know are that, while in 1964 there were 286 miles in use, there are now 567, and tha, even more significant, whereas in October, 1964, the number of miles under construction was 151, as at 31st December last year it was 351.

Mr. Michael Heseltine

Will the right hon. Gentleman assure the House that there are enough miles of motorway in the planning stages to maintain the existing rate of road building after the next General Election?

Mr. Mulley

I can give the hon. Gentleman that assurance. If he wants me to answer now a later Question that he has on the Order Paper, I can do so, but I think that we will be satisfied when I answer it.

Following is the information relating to Ministry of Transport motorways in England:

15th October, 1964 31st December, 1969
Line not yet published 230.5 157.4
Draft scheme published 86.2 156.6
Scheme made 235.0 100.4

In addition, the following mileages were at the stage of tenders having been invited, under construction and in use on these two dates:—

Tenders invited 9.3 12.4
Under construction 151.5 351.9
In use 286.4 567.4

32. Mr. Michael Heseltine

asked the Minister of Transport how many of the 1,000 mile motorway targets are scheduled for completion before 31st December, 1972.

Mr. Mulley

On current forecasts, the target of 1,000 miles of motorway in England and Wales should be reached by 31st December, 1972.

Mr. Heseltine

Is the Minister satisfied that the number of miles of motorway in the planning stages is sufficiently large to enable the rate of building now being achieved to he continued after 1972?

Mr. Mulley

I am satisfied on that point. As the hon. Member will have seen from the public expenditure figures, we are increasing the provision of money for road building, although once the major motorways are completed some roads might more properly be built to dual standard and not necessarily to motorway standard.