HC Deb 09 March 1970 vol 797 cc890-2
9. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make a statement on the progress made towards a settlement of the problem of nurses' pay.

38. Mr. Barnes

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, if he will make a further statement about the negotiations concerning nurses' pay.

Mr. Crossman

On 17th February, the Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council reached agreement on the main outline of a one-year settlement to operate from 1st April, 1970. Negotiations are continuing on the details of the settlement and the Council meets again tomorrow.

Mr. Hamilton

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the House and the country will compare this award very, very favourably with the award of 2½ per cent. which the right hon. Member for Wolverhampton, South-West (Mr. Powell) insisted on imposing on our nurses when he was Minister of Health? Can my right hon. Friend give the real increase in purchasing power of the average nurse's salary compared with what it was in 1964?

Mr. Crossman

I thank my hon. Friend for what he said in the first part of his supplementary question. I agree that there is a striking difference between the two awards. On the second part, I cannot give any averages because we are at present working out the details of the settlement and breaking it down into different grades.

Sir G. Nabarro

Does the right hon. Gentleman recall that a few weeks ago I drew his attention to the fact that the award of £48 a year for student nurses' luncheon allowances was taxable? Has he taken any action in connection with my suggestion that they should be issued with luncheon vouchers like ordinary typists in offices, tax-free?

Mr. Crossman

The hon. Gentleman pointed that out to me, but I replied, I think, that it was done in response to a request from the Staff Side of the Whitley Council that they should be given a figure of money, and have it to spend themselves, rather than a voucher or an allocation. I have no reason to doubt that that is the considered view of the Staff Side, which I take more seriously than does the hon. Member.

10. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what a 22 per cent. increase in pay represents in money terms to a staff nurse, net per week, in a large general hospital; and what are the comparable figures for a first, second, and third year student nurse, and a ward sister

Mr. Crossman

I assume that my hon. Friend is referring to the original offer made by the Management Side of the Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council of a two-year settlement giving increases of about 15 per cent. from 1st April, 1970, and 7 per cent. from 1st April, 1971, amounting overall to about 22 per cent. I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT the terms of this offer as it would have applied to the grades concerned from 1st April, 1971. I cannot say what the net figures would have been because these depend on variable factors such as the tax coding of individual nurses.

Mr. Hamilton

I am obliged for that Answer. Can my right hon. Friend say how far ahead this award is compared with the cost of living index, and can he give an assurance that the increases, particularly for student nurses, will not be wholly taken away by increases in the cost of living in?

Mr. Crossman

Yes, I can certainly give an assurance on the second part of the question about the increases for student nurses. I cannot give a detailed answer to the first part. I ask my hon. Friend to await the results of the meeting of the Whitley Council tomorrow which will break down the average 20 per cent. into the increases for the actual grades.

Sir B. Rhys Williams

Has the Secreretary of State taken account of the needs of physiotherapists?

Mr. Crossman

I think the hon. Member will find that there is a later Question on the subject of ancillary services apart from nursing in the Health Service.

Following is the information:

Weekly Pay
Present Proposed
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Staff Nurse
Minimum 15 0 6 18 2 6
Maximum 18 18 0 22 19 0
New Pointed Rates
Age under 25 Age
1st Year 8 10 0 18 9 18 0
2nd Year 9 11 0 19 10 17 6
3rd Year 10 2 6 20 11 11 6
Age 25 or over 21 or over 13 7 0
1st Year 10 16 6 14 2 0
2nd Year 11 7 0 14 17 0
3rd Year 11 17 6
Ward Sister
Minimum 18 12 0 23 9 6
Maximum 25 4 6 30 7 6