HC Deb 04 March 1970 vol 797 c410
38. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether he will state the cost so far, and per annum, of the Beira patrol; and whether, having regard to the necessary incompleteness of the blockade of Rhodesia, and in order to save public funds, he will transfer Her Majesty's ships and aircraft engaged therein to other duties.

Dr. David Owen

The extra cost of the naval and air patrols off Beira so far has been about £1.7 million. It is currently running at just under £400,000 a year.

The patrol will be continued as long as it is necessary.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

How can the hon. Gentleman say it is necessary? How can he justify this expenditure of money, ships and aircraft on an infructuous exercise? Have Her Majesty's Government thanked the Portuguese for looking after six sailors of ours in Mozambique hospitals?

Dr. Owen

The hon. Member's support for the United Nations resolution and the policy of Her Majesty's Government is, of course, well known to the House, but the facts are as I have said. This patrol has been fully effective in cutting off the most direct route—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh!"] Hon. Members opposite must accept this. The patrol was given one purpose—to stop the supply of oil reaching Rhodesia through the ports. To that end the patrol has been fully effective.

Mr. Maclennan

Will my hon. Friend confirm that considerations of cost will never lead his Government to ignore mandatory resolutions of the United Nations? Will he consider that if this Beira patrol is ineffective as hon. Members opposite inaccurately allege, the proper course of action is to raise the matter at the United Nations again?

Dr. Owen

The commitment of this Government to the United Nations is not in doubt.