HC Deb 02 March 1970 vol 797 cc28-9
31. Mr. Pardoe

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reply he has given to the representations about admitting the Red Army Choir for their forthcoming visit.

Mr. Foley

The responsibility for the visit rests entirely with the private interests who have arranged it.

Mr. Pardoe

What has changed since 26th August, 1968, when the Foreign Secretary said that it would be totally unacceptable to have the Red Army Choir here? Will he make it clear that the British people do not wish to hear these representatives of the thugs in uniform who have destroyed Czechoslovakian freedom?

Mr. Foley

The hon. Member will no doubt recall our debate on Czechoslovakia on 1st August, 1968, when it was the unanimous view of both the public and the House that the particular visit which was due to take place within a matter of weeks should be cancelled, and it was cancelled. In this instance, we believe that the normality of cultural relationships should, as far as possible, continue.

Mr. Edelman

Parallel with the Home Secretary's decision not to attend South African cricket matches, will my hon. Friend give an assurance that neither he nor my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary will attend the performance of the Red Army Choir so long as Czechoslovakia is under the heel of the Red Army?

Mr. Foley

I can assure my hon. Friend that I will not be at any performance.