HC Deb 21 July 1970 vol 804 cc219-20
10. Mr. George Jeger

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works how many visitors there have been to the Serpentine Gallery in Kensington Gardens since its opening; and what is the average daily attendance.

Mr. Kershaw

About 33,000 people have visited the Gallery since it was opened; the average daily attendance has been around 450.

Mr. Jeger

Has the hon. Gentleman considered the view put forward that this should be used for children's entertainment of a theatrical nature during long school holidays?

Mr. Kershaw

It was considered that this might be used for a children's playground. It was offered to two of the bodies concerned, but they found the staffing too difficult.

Concerning stage shows for children, there are free puppet shows in Kensington Gardens during the summer, and they will be continued.