HC Deb 28 January 1970 vol 794 cc1528-9
12. Sir G. Nabarro

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will now make a statement on his consultations during December 1969 on all trade matters, and Great Britain's application to join the European Economic Community, with the countries of the European Free Trade Association.

Mr. Mason

There have been no further consultations at Ministerial level since the E.F.T.A. meeting in Geneva in November attended by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and myself but there have been discussions on trade questions and on the enlargement of the European Economic Community at the regular weekly meetings of the E.F.T.A. Council at official level. In addition, I visited Helsinki in December and discussed these matters with Finnish Ministers.

Sir G. Nabarro

Which version of the discussions between the Government and the E.E.C. does the right hon. Gentleman impart to the E.F.T.A. countries—the version of what is said in Brussels, the version of what is said in this House, or the version of the Prime Minister's consultations in Washington, as each of these versions is contradictory and different?

Mr. Mason

We do not indulge in the buffoonery of the hon. Member. The version is that of truth and honesty.

Mr. Fernyhough

Would my right hon. Friend not agree that, if these negotiations are successful, the hon. Member for Worcestershire, South (Sir G. Nabarro) will not be able to put down Questions like No. 11, because other countries will be able to dump all the food they want on us then?