HC Deb 26 January 1970 vol 794 c998
26. Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Technology if he will now review the regulations which the Atomic Energy Authority follows in making decisions on the award of pensions to employees on ill-health grounds, with a view to making provision for employees exposed to radiation hazards who subsequently contract leukaemia: and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Benn

I do not think that the arrangements in the Authority's schemes need to be amended. However, I will circulate a fuller reply in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Morris

Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is serious concern about this matter, especially since the unfortunate case of Mr. McDonald? Would he agree that any employee who is exposed to radiation hazards and who subsequently contracts leukaemia ought really to be given the benefit of the doubt in pension entitlement?

Mr. Benn

With regard to the personal case mentioned by my hon. Friend, he knows that I have this in my hands at the moment. The argument that he puts forward in his supplementary question raises quite different considerations and he had better read my fuller reply before he pursues this.

Following is the reply: The Atomic Energy Authority has the same liabilities to its employees and ex-employees as any other employer. If an employee or ex-employee of the Authority contracts leukaemia or, for that matter, any other disease, he may make a claim against the Authority if he is of the view that the disease has been caused by his work with the Authority and that the Authority is liable in law. If the disease is one that is prescribed under the National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act, 1965, he may also claim against the Department of Health and Social Security for benefit under that Act. In both cases the claim will stand or fall on its merits. There is no prima facie case that employment in the Atomic Energy Authority contributes to leukaemia diagnosed in its employees or ex-employees. In fact, figures going back to 1962 indicate that the average incidence of leukaemia among Authority staff is less than the national average incidence for persons of comparable age.