HC Deb 19 February 1970 vol 796 c575
22. Mr. Stratton Mills

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what financial and technical assistance is given to Morocco; and what arrangements are made by her Department for the teaching of English.

Mr. Whitaker

The Ministry's programme of technical assistance to Morocco, costing about £32,000 in this financial year, is being used to finance British consultancy services and feasibility studies. A small programme for training Moroccans in the United Kingdom has been started, and the British Council is providing 10 British teachers of English in Morocco, as well as training and advisory services for indigenous teachers.

Mr. Stratton Mills

I am much obliged for that worth-while Answer. Can the hon. Gentleman say to what extent the English language programme is proceeding in Morocco with these teachers, in view of the great importance of enabling the leaders of the former British and French territories to be able to communicate in a common language?

Mr. Whitaker

This is a point very much in the minds of many people concerned with development in the whole of Africa. We have now got 10 British teachers of English in the country, which I hope will make an encouraging start in this direction.