HC Deb 19 February 1970 vol 796 c583
49. Mr. Lipton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment and Productivity what decision she has made about referring to the Monopolies Commission the proposed take-over by the Reed Paper Group Limited of the International Publishing Corporation Limited.

Mr. Harold Walker

At present I am not able to add to the reply to my hon. Friend's Question on 29th January.—[Vol. 794, c. 379.]

Mr. Lipton

Why has it taken the Department so long to make up its mind about the actions of a tiny group of people who seek to control to an ever-increasing monopolistic degree these very important mass media?

Mr. Walker

We are obtaining information from the companies concerned, and when we have that information we shall be in a better position to know what the future course of action should be.

Hon. Members

How long must we wait?