HC Deb 07 December 1970 vol 808 cc39-40
33. Mr. Braine

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what steps are taken when his Department recruits technical personnel for work overseas to ensure that adequate accommodation for themselves and their families will be available.

Mr. Wood

The receiving Government are responsible for providing accommodation as part of the terms and conditions of service offered. If there is undue difficulty or delay, my Department sees that the matter is brought to the attention of the Government concerned.

Mr. Braine

Is my right hon. Friend aware that some technical officers recruited for Zambia by the Crown Agents have complained that they were misled about accommodation conditions in that country, and that some families have now been waiting for many months for proper accommodation? Will he ensure that before any more of our people are sent out suitable accommodation is available for them?

Mr. Wood

I have communicated with my hon. Friend about the case that he drew to my attention. We are making representations through the British High Commission in Lusaka. It is obviously important to try to ensure that new agreements, as far as the O.S.A.S. is concerned, include some clause to prevent this happening, as far as possible.

Mr. Pavitt

Will the right hon. Gentleman examine the big gap that sometimes exists between the housing conditions of the expert and technical people that we are sending overseas and the people that they are serving? Will he try to do something about the training programme so that the difference between the people of the locality and those coming from overseas is not so wide? It makes their work difficult.

Mr. Wood

We must obviously see, as part of the inducement to people from this country to serve abroad, that their housing and other living conditions are adequate.