HC Deb 07 December 1970 vol 808 cc40-1
35. Mrs. Hart

asked the Minister for Overseas Development if he will now state Her Majesty's Government's full reasons for their refusal to accept a separate target for flows of official development assistance.

Mr. Wood

I gave the right hon. Lady the reasons on 16th November.—[Vol. 806, c. 303.]

Mrs. Hart

If the right hon. Gentleman will forgive me, what he said then was completely tautologous. He said that we were refusing to accept an official aid target because we were refusing to accept one. I cannot accept that as in any way an adequate answer for the complete failure to understand the importance of a special aid target.

Mr. Wood

Perhaps I can help the right hon. Lady. The Government see no advantage in fixing any target, either private investment or official flows, because we regard both as equally important.

Mrs. Hart

Then can the right hon. Gentleman tell me whether that means that he therefore rejects the Pearson Committee's recommendations on this matter?

Mr. Wood

It means that the Government have made no commitment to 0.7 per cent.

Mr. Lane

Does not my right hon. Friend agree that this Government's more flexible approach to aid offers the best hope of reaching the overall 1 per cent. target at the earliest possible date?

Mr. Wood

I agree entirely with my hon. Friend.